
The Big Run-off

The big run-off starts tomorrow! There are a few rules...they are listed below:

Ryan and I are going to do the "Couch to 5k" running program starting tomorrow. We have a treadmill that sits in the spare bedroom and dries my clothes ;) So it's going to get used finally!! However, we needed an incentive!! I'm horrible with starting something like this and after week one I'm done, or I miss a day and with no visual way of tracking it, I just let it go..... The program is very structured. 3 times a week for 9 weeks, however with us going to Ireland & some other trips we've added a few more weeks on. And....here is how it works!

1. The stack of $5's you see will be called "The Stack". When I run for the day I take a $5 bill from the stack and put it in my jar. Ryan runs for the day and he puts a $5 bill from the stack and puts it in his jar.

2. If Ryan runs and I do not (or vice versa) then I must take a $5 bill out of my jar and put it into his!!

3. If we both do not run for the day, then we both take a $5 bill from each of our jars and put them back into the stack.

4. If by August 1st, the stack is not gone.......then all money......in both jars..........gets donated to the John McCain campaign for president!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

So...as you can see there is positive and negative incentive here......wish us luck! 

Spring Has Sprung

"...because I'm a southern woman and we're supposed to wear funny hats and ugly clothes and plant vegetables in the dirt..."

Today we decided that the weed garden needed a makeover....so, we were off to Lowe's! I was looking for a BIG flower pot but I found this....and I love it! It's my fav. I didn't want to do a flower bed, I wanted to do planters, so I found these basket planters! Wonderful! So after a long day of weeding, digging, and planting...and taking breaks with Gracie! (She got a new stake and leash so she could spend the day in the front yard with us)....so after that long day....we now have a beautiful lil flowerbed!!


Say NO to Friday's celebrations

In Honor of Earth Day

.........I'm not going to do any paperwork! ;)

It's April 22nd.....

First off....these pics are inaccurate. These kids are freaking heroes and abnormally brave (or maybe I should say their parents are) compared to what I am about to tell you.
Everyday I come to work, sometimes late, sometimes on time.........but this has occured both times! I come to work, expecting a parking spot because there are more spots than there are teachers. But.....I'm circling that lot like it's Sunday afternoon at your local Walmart Supercenter!! Why?? Because the cars that are taking our spots belong to parents of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, EVEN 4th graders who must walk their kids from the parking lot to the school and possibly to the room!
So these kids in the pics above, that were just googled, are in the jungles of the actual sidewalks and streets of their communities!!!
Last week I was stuck behind a car on my way to an empty spot. The car was dropping off a student, which is great....drive em up and drop em off.....so the kid jumps out and goes into the school........great, yes here I come parking spot!!! Now where do you think the car went after dropping off a kid?? IN THE EMPTY PARKING SPOT!!! Why?? To park, get another kid out....not PK or K....and walk them up to the school.
Some of these people are repeat offenders.....the same mom walking the same 4th grader, carrying their backpacks up to the front door. Now, granted we have been out for holidays, ice storms, and conferences, we have been in school for oh say......150 days??? It is almost May!!! And your child still cannot walk to the door without parental guidance?? Or is the other way around,......the parent cannot go to the school without taking their child to the front door.
Now, for those out there who need an argument, I understand there are kids that need the assistance, etc. But I'm telling you 90% of these kids are straight a's, grade level, motorically able kids!
Anyway....after all my ranting......let your kids walk up there by themselves, or if you're just that protective, park in the street down the block! ;)

Sit back, do some therapy, and have a beer.....

So, this is my morning coffee! Every morning it gets me through the day and gives me the energy I need to .........well work! So I always have it sitting right by me at my therapy table.

Today one of the kindergarteners I see said........."Is that a beer?"

hmmm....how should I answer this....of course being me, I want to say yeah, work is rough kiddo....

I tell him, No it is not a beer! He says well my mom drinks beer........I'm thinking at work? ;) lol.. I said "Well there are places to drink beer and places that you don't drink beer and here isn't one of them. It is a Red Bull........"

His only reply "Red Bull gives you wings!"

So yeah, our lesson today was the appropriate and inappropriate places to drink beer ;) Hey it's pragmatics!!!


April 18th

My mom surprised me with this cake this weekend! She brought a whole lil party! I just love this cake! I had a great birthday.....26 isn't so bad after all ;)